

1. Books help you to feel more confident.

2. Books help you to travel around the world in the cheapest way.

3. Books develop your personality.

4. Books provide food for thought.

5. Books make you laugh & think.

6. Books draw you towards perfection.

7. Books stimulate creativity.

8. Books bring out writing talent.

9. Books help you in communicating.

10. Books clear your vision.

11. Books satisfy your curiosity.

12. Books help you make better choices.

13. Books help you build literary talent.

14. Books do not require any special device to teach.

15. Books increase your attention span.

16. Books are fruitful pastime.

17. Books can be used anytime, anywhere.

18. Books provide entertainment, when others fail.

19. Books make you powerful.

20. Books help you know the 'Whys' & 'Hows' of everything.

21. Books help you to create & spread fun.

22. Books help you travel across time intelligently.

23. Books keep you updated with facts & figures.

24. Books spread love, affection & knowledge.

25. Books make the best of friends.

26. Books take you to intellectual environment.

27. Books help you feel the world around you.

28. Books entertain your mind.

 29. Books broaden your horizon.


30. Books bring Nature to your doorstep.

31. Books bring about a 'personality change'.

32. Books increase comprehension.

33. Books do not require company.

34. Books are stress-busters.

35. Books develop a sense of belonging to people around you.

36. Books provide mental & physical relaxation.

37. Books act as a communication tool.

38. Books are intellectually satisfying activity.

39. Books provide spiritual experience.

40. Books provide emotional strength.

41. Books build your self-esteem.

42. Books help & encourage your imagination to soar.

43. Books make you smarter & wiser.

44. Books help you to grow.

45. Books take you to a 'world of dreams'.

46. Books can change your life and vision.

47. Books help you in achieving 'life goals'.

48. Books develop wonderful experience.

49. Books transform lives.

50. Books inspire, motivate, & build Nations.

Be challenged to start reading books & not just storing them please!


1) The hardest part of reading is sitting down to start but either way commence on it.

2) Quit boring books to make room for brilliant ones.

3) Reading one book may not change your life but reading every day will change everything.

4) Read fewer books that have been around for days, read more books that have been around for decades.

5) If you ever say you don't have time to read books, just take a look at your phone's screen time.

6) All reading counts as reading–try print books, ebooks, and audiobooks to find the format that works best for you.

7) It's not about how many books you get through that matters, it's about how many books get through you that counts.

8) Put your phone on silent and leave it in another room before reading and you'll focus more.

9) Read good books, reread great books, rebuy groundbreaking books.

10) You don't become a reader and then start reading books. You start reading books and then become a reader.

11) It's better to quit a book than to quit reading altogether.

12) If a book changed your life, aim to reread it once a year.

13) Return, regift, or recycle books you didn't enjoy.

14) Speedreading is reading twice as fast to remember half as much.

15) The best places to read are airplanes, beaches, and parks.

16) The rite of passage all readers must go through is learning how to pick books for themselves instead of waiting for others to pick books for them (like how parents, teachers, and professors did).

17) Reading book summaries and thinking you understand the book is like watching a movie trailer and thinking you understand the movie.

18) The irony of speedreading is that if you can speedread the book it isn't worth reading. The best books are impossible to speedread because they constantly make you stop and think.

19) The goal of reading is application, not memorization. Stop spending time trying to remember information and instead spend time trying to apply information.

20) If you want to build a reading habit set a goal to read for 2 minutes every day. The goal is so small that it's impossible to come up with a reasonable excuse to not do it.

21) The person who writes the book summary benefits 10x more than the person who reads the summary.

22) If you read a book but don't change your behavior or thinking in any way, either the book sucked or you learned nothing.

23) Just because you bought a book it doesn't mean it came with a binding contract to finish it.

24) Everyone who reads 100+ books a year is either getting paid to read (author, academic, podcaster, content creator) or reading fiction.

25) No man ever reads the same book twice, for it is not the same book and he is not the same man.

26) Books are an investment, not an expense. A $10 book can make you $100,000 or even $100 billion (look up Warren Buffett's comment about "The Intelligent Investor").

27) Your reading environment is more important than your reading motivation. It's easier to read an average book at a library than an amazing book at a rock concert.

28) Carry a book with you everywhere you go. You never know when you'll find yourself with extra time you read.

29) Give a book 3 chances (chapters) to win you over. If you aren't into it by then, it's out and don't feel guilty about quitting it.

30) Easy reading hack: Download an ebook or audiobook to your phone so you always have something to read if you don't have a physical book with you.

31) The highest praise you can give an author is showing them that you wrote, highlighted, and devoured their book. If you show them a pristine book, they'll think you didn't even read it.

32) Spend more time reading short books. Some of the shortest books have the deepest lessons.

33) For timeless problems read timeless books. For modern problems read modern books.

34) Books are the ultimate life hack: For $10 you can download 10 years

 of wisdom in 10 hours or less.

35) The best time to start reading books was 10 years ago. The second best time to start is today.

How to read deeply and voluminously 

If you're not a voracious reader then don't commit yourself to reading more books than you can handle. 

Start by setting a reading goal that is easily attainable - such as reading just one book per month or 20 pages a day. If you're already breezing through a book a month then jump up to two. When you're not over-committing, you'll find that the reading experience is less stressful and more enjoyable. I've found a really interesting thing. 

2. Keep your goals to yourself

Now that you have set a reading goal make sure that you keep it to yourself. A 2009 study found that students who wrote down the activities that it would take for them to become psychologists were less likely to succeed.

The control group who did not share these goals with the experimenter actually spent more time pursuing those activities.

The reason? Whenever a goal is shared there's less motivation for you to work hard in achieving that intended goal. So if you want to read two books per month keep that goal to yourself.

3. Quit early

I'm sure you've been halfway through a book and asked yourself, "Why am I reading this?" Don't worry. It happens to the best of us. But instead of trying to power through a book that you're not enjoying or finding useful you should just put it down and start reading something else.

Gretchen Rubin, author of bestselling book The Happiness Project has found that the "winners don't quit" mentality isn't an effective mentality when it comes to reading. 

4. *Read books that you actually  

When you read books that you actually want to read, you'll find it more difficult to put it down. For example, I'm a big Stephen King fan. Is reading the Dark Tower series going to make me a better entrepreneur or father? No. But, I enjoy reading and become so immersed that I have to keep reading.

*5. Always have a book on-hand*

You will always have an opportunity to read. You'll read on your morning commute (well, iBook if you are driving). There is time when waiting at the doctor's office, or wasting a couple of minutes before a meeting or conference call.

I find I can bear the line at the grocery store much better with a book, while the guy at checkout looks for his card. Instead of letting this time go unused, pick-up a book and start reading.

6. Borrow reading time from something less important

I got it. The thought of reading for two or three hours a day may seem like a serious time commitment But if you borrow time from something else you'll realize that it's really pretty easy to devote more time to reading.

7. Partake in reading challenges

This is an excellent way to encourage you to read more books because it's fun and interactive. For example, Goodreads has an annual challenge reading that gamifies your reading goal. You can also discover new books to read by seeing what your friends have read.

8. Create a distraction-free reading environment

Start by reading in a room that is quiet and doesn't have temptations like a TV. You could also turn your phone on silent or airplane mood for a certain amount of time.

9. Stock up

Instead of dropping cash on on clothes or junk that you don't really need when you have some extra cash, build-up an inventory of books.

It may sound ridiculous at first, but it's one of the best motivations to read more because once you finish a book you can view your inventory and decide what to read next.

10. Use technology to your advantag

Nothing beats the smell and texture of an actual book in your hands. And studies have found that reading print leads to better comprehension and retention compared to computer screens.

But, sometimes carrying a book around isn't easy or convenient. Today you can read a book on your iPad or Kindle while traveling. Even listening to an audiobook through Audible or iBook, whatever, while working out.

11. Change your mindset

"The key to reading lots of book begins with stop thinking of it as some activity that you do," writes Media strategist and author Ryan Holiday. "Reading must become as natural as eating and breathing to you. It's not something you do because you feel like it, but because it's a reflex, a default."

12. Skim

This applies more to reading newspapers, magazines, or online content, but when it comes to reading for leisure don't be afraid to skim books. It helps you get through the book faster so that you can move on to the next one.

13. Read multiple books

This strategy may not work for everyone, but I have several different books in different locations. Locations include in my bedroom, another downstairs on my iPad, and another on my phone for when I'm driving. I always have a book on-hand.

Having a variety of books to read at once is challenging and keeps me from getting bored. It also helps to mix up the multiple books that you're reading. It might be a Stephen King novel, but also a biography on an entrepreneur like Elon Musk.

14. Keep your eyes open

I'm always on the lookout for new books to read. The bookstore always has suggestions, browsing best seller lists online. I usually find the best reads while looking for suggestions from blog posts or friends.

When I come across a new book that looks interesting I write it down either in my notebook or on Evernote so that I won't forget about it.

15. Commit to reading when traveling or before bed

Traveling is the best time to read. Think about all the free time that you have while waiting to catch your flight and while you're in-air. You may actually be able to finish an entire book while traveling. Note: make sure to download the full book before you leave. Besides, you don't have to worry about turning off your device or paying for Wifi.

When you don't travel, make it a point to read right before you go to bed. Use this choice as opposed to watching TV or browsing your social channels. Not only will you read more, you'll also sleep better.

16. Eliminate decision fatigue

Yes. Decision fatigue is an actual thing that can prevent you from being productive and adopting habits like reading.

Instead of aimlessly searching for thousands and thousands of new book releases, search for curated lists. Entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg put out pretty good reading lists. Any list helps to eliminate decision fatigue and gives you more reading time.

17. Settle down

When you're mind is preoccupied and racing-a-mile-a-minute it's challenging to sit down and actually enjoy a book. After all, you have deadlines to meet, clients to invoice, or dishes to clean. I try to complete these nagging tasks prior to reading so that they're not bothering me. I've also found that exercising and meditating definitely help put my mind at ease.

18. Share what you read

Remember, don't share your reading goals. But definitely share the books that you've read. It becomes a part of the entire reading process since I'm passing along the information or insights that I've just read. As an added perk, I get new recommendations from people. Someone will say, "Well if you liked that, then you should check out this book next."

19. Have your next book on stand-by

Throughout this article I've shared some tips on building an inventory of future books in order to eliminate decision fatigue. But, you're probably still left with of dozens of books to choose from.

Whenever I'm about to finish a book I take a couple of minutes and select the next book to read. I then jump from one book into another immediately.

20. Set a dedicated reading time

This helps make reading a habit. For me, I always set aside 20-30 minutes in the morning before everyone wakes-up. This prevents distractions. The 20-30 minutes before I go to bed are my most favorite moments.

I read more throughout the day, but since some days are more hectic than others, that's not always guaranteed. Having dedicated reading times at least ensures that I'm reading around at least an hour every day.

21. Buy books that are on sale

If you're on a budget, or are frugal, then check out books that are on sale. I used to this when I would visit bookstores. I would walk in with the intention of buying a specific book. Then I'd leave with a stack of books that piqued my interest because they were on sale.

Now you can easily browse used books or sale items on Amazon. It's a cost-effective way to build a little library of your own.

Did you also know that you can get books for free too? Besides your public library, you can snag some free books by entering giveaways. Check Goodreads, swap books on Paperback Swap, and browse a public domain of ebooks and audiobook on Project Gutenberg.

22. Join a book club

Joining a book club is another way to motivate you into reading more. You'll get top notch recommendations and a community to discuss and share your thoughts. I've found some of my best reads with book clubs. It forces me to consider titles I would never read in a hundred years. Some of these have ended up being a fav.

You can Google for book clubs that are near you. Digital book clubs work pretty well. Check out, Oprah's Book Club 2.0, Wired Book Club, Our Shared Shelf, Andrew Luck Book Club, Read with Entrepreneurs, or the Money Book Club.

23. Hijack your Facebook habit

"Bad habits are hard to break. But, you can hijack your habits to turn those bad habits into good ones" writes Design for Hackers author David Kadavy. "Habits begin with a Trigger, which then leads to an Action, which then leads to a Reward. Over time, you build your Investment. The cycle repeats."

In this case, you can replace your bad Facebook habit and turn it into a good reading habit, in the words of Kadavy try these:

1. Reduce friction. For this particular habit, there's something that blocks you from enjoying books the way you read Facebook. Opening a book feels like a big commitment. You can talk yourself out of it if you only have a few minutes to spare. So, you need to give yourself permission to read tiny chunks of books.

2. Hijack your Trigger. Every time you feel your Facebook Trigger, instead of reaching for your mobile device, grab a book. It's best if it's a physical book at first, because a mobile device is too tempting. If you have to use a mobile, rearrange your icons so Facebook is hidden, and Kindle is prominent.

3. Replace your Action. Now, read the book! To start, just pick a page in the book and start reading. Remember, you have to eliminate any friction that makes you think a book is too big of an investment.

Daily Rituals is a good book to start with, because it has lots of small sections. Dangerous Liaisons, if you prefer fiction.

24. Read in sprints

There are some days when my attention isn't the best. When I have one of those days I set a timer for 20-minutes and then read in 20-minute sprints. Reading in a 20-minute sprint prevents my mind from wandering and is short-enough that I won't get burnt out.

25. Take notes, read aloud, or mouth along

This may annoy others in a public setting, but these hacks can help you better understand the author's mess

Add more tips on the comments section. 


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  1. 33) For timeless problems read timeless books. For modern problems read modern books.💯✊🏽✍🏾💥💥

  2. Carry a book with you everywhere you go. You never know when you'll find yourself with extra time you read.

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