(1) WIN ALL WITHOUT FIGHTING:-(Capturing your market without destroying it)
-The western view is that a business esists only to provide a return on investment to its shareholders while the Asian view is that businesses exist to provide jobs for its employees.
-The battles for market dominance should not destroy the profitability of your industry in the process, and to do so without fighting.
-In business, you should follow the strategy of Go rather than chess. You should strive to adsorb more market territory with the smallest investments not to destroy your competitor and your company in endless fighting.
-Research has shown that subtle, indirect, less visible attacks are much less likely to prompt a competitive response.
-Market dominance is the means but survival and prosperity are the end, that the essence of fighting is not fighting.
-To find and exploit your competitors weaknesses requires a deep understanding of their executive's strategy, capabilities, thoughts and desires and similar understanding and knowledge of your own strengths and weaknesses.
-Holistic, integrated and synergistic approach, with the principles interlocked for a sum greater than the parts.
(2)AVOID STRENGTH, ATTACK WEAKNESS:-Striking where they least expect it)
-If "win without fighting" is the goal then "avoid strength, attack weakness" is the key to achieving that goal.
-By focusing your company's resources against your competitors critical weak points, you achieve success.
-A lion doesn't go after the fattest antelope in the herd, it goes after the slowest.
-Avoiding strength and attaching weakness achieves the maximum return for the least expenditure of resources in the shortest time possible thereby maximizing profits.
-Attack psychological weaknesses.
-The critical aspect especially when you have limited resources is to apply the right amount of resources at just the right spot. Then with a little push, the avalanche is released.
-To be strong everywhere is to be strong nowhere.
-As a strategist it is critical not only that you decide where weakness exist and attack there but also that you have the personal fortitude to avoid attacking when the situation has changed.
-Given the risk of entering battle, you must carefully weigh the potential gains aganist the chances of loss. Do so without emotion but with deep thought. Remember a wise strategist willl not attack unless victory is assured.
-To be successful, you must not follow the strategies that you competitor is pursuing. If you try to become someone else, the best you can be is the second best. Instead you must find you own differentiated strategy.
(3)DECEPTION AND FOREKNOWLEDGE:-(Maximizing the power of market information)
-Foreknowledge is not projecting the future based on the past;it is not simple trend analysis. It is firsthand insight and a deep understanding of what your competitor is about; their strengths, weaknesses, their people and their plans.
-To understand and defeat your competitor you must do a very deep level of research and analysis. It must not luck detail.
-To defeat you competition, you must know:your competitor, your company, and know your market place.
-Know the basics, the facts;i.e financial results,number of employees,and product markets.
-As a strategist, for you to understand your company's capabilities, your knowledge must be firsthand. Management by walking around.
-Whoever has the customer information has the competitive advantage to use that information to create closer ties with the customer, reduce the number of middlemen and make faster decisions.
-"Knowledge is power";consider the questions:what is the future event that will have the greatest impact in our business?, what will happen when that event occurs?, what can we do now to prepare for that event?
-The other side of the equation is to make sure that the competition is unable to know you - this is where deception comes in.
-If the competition does not know where you will attack next,they will be confused and unable to respond effectively.
-Deception not only allows you to force your competitor to allocate their resources wrongly but also creates weak points to attack by making its management unsure of your intentions.
-Deception provides a surprise which in turn provides victory.
-To deceive requires discipline, to mislead requires control, to ensure enemy secrecy requires scrutiny. A company poorly led cannot deceive convincingly.
-Foreknowledge and deception gives you an advantage.
(4) SPEED AND PREPARATION:-(Moving swiftly to overcome your competitors)
-To be slow is to become extinct.
-Speed is a substitute of resources, it shocks and surprises you competitors, it is critical to exploit weakness and opportunities and it allows to gain momentum.
-Greater speed equal fewer resources, which in turn equals better return on investment.
-You must be bold and aggressive.
-Speed provides the ability to sustain and exploit market momentum once a breakthrough has been achieved.
-Keep the momentum going and turn you competitors retreat into a win.
-Never launch an attack unless you are ready to reinforce encase it is successful.
-To be successful at the strategic level, reinforce your successes at the tactical level. Exploit your breakthrough and create market momentum.
-Reinforce success, starve failure.
-To achieve speed, reduce cycle time.
-Making timely decisions is essential to moving quickly.
-If you wish to act with speed then you must focus on reducing the information/decision/actuion time cycle.
-If you want to act with speed you must design your processes and equipment for speed at the outset.
-When a customer has a problem, it pays to fix that problem and fixing it quickly too.
-To act with great speed require not frenzied activity but rather careful preparation matched by a sense of urgency.
-Only by skillfully planning your campaign ahead of time can you move confidently with blinding swiftness.
-Only by looking at all the possibilities in advance and acting with a sense of urgency can you take advantage of the fleeting opportunities as they rise.
-To be successful you must be able to see and stay several moves ahead of your competition.
-If you hope to successful, you too must prepare. You must build a strategic plan that looks at the strengths and weaknesses of your company and understand those of your competitor. Study the trends in the market places, factors in new processes and technologies and take into account what the customers are looking for.
-To be innovative and creative, you must encourage organizational learning.
(5) SHAPE YOUR OPPONENT:-(Employing strategy to master the competition)
-To defeat the competition you must make them conform to your strategy, you rules, your will. you must seize the advantage and make your competitor meet at the place and the time of your choosing.
-Your strategy must attack not only the resources of the competitor but more importantly the minds, thought processes and wills of it's executives.
-Hit their emotions and actions. This makes the go off balance and easy to defeat.
-To shape your competitor, you must also gain and hold key strategic positions in the market place, using technology, key buyers, and distribution channels, to deny the competitor access to key markets.
-Understand the nature of alliances, how they are formed and maintained, and how to sever those of your competition.Alliances allows you to increase your resources.
-Implement strategic moves that send market signals that bait competition into committing strategic mistakes - either leading them into markets that will prove unprofitable or directing them away from markets you desire.
-Consider these six rules of alliances;
1. Prevent your competitors from combining and opposing you.
2. If powerful alliances exist, avoid attacking them.
3. If you must attack, first separate your competitor from their allies.
4. Make useful use of your own allies.
5. Do not choose the wrong allies.
6. Know when to maintain an alliance and when to end one.
-To avoid being shaped by your opponents, avoid using the same tactics twice in succession and avoid telling people how you accomplished your success.
-Do not get into a pattern or routines with your tactics or with your strategies.
-Be obtuse and unclear when people ask about your methods. In this way, no one can discern your strategy for winning.
-Remember when your hands are raised in victory and self-congratulations, it is easy for someone to hit you where it hurts the most.
(6)CHARACTER BASED LEADERSHIP:-(Providing effective leadership in turbulent tides)
-You must be willing to;
i. Build your character, not just your image.
ii. Lead with actions, not just words.
iii. Share employees trials, not just the triumphs.
iv. Motivate emotionally, not just materially.
v. Assign clearly defined missions to all, avoid mission overlap and confusion.
vi. Make your strategy drive the organization, no the reverse.
-Wisdom is important, for it allows a leader to clearly divide the organization's strengths, weaknesses and opportunities to build a strategy.
-Courage is essential, because without it, a leader cannot take the advantage of wisdom with bold actions when the time requires it.
-Sincerity and humanity are crucial, at the heart of it, leading a team, department, division or company means accomplishing success through other human beings.
-Discipline is necessary, for it is required to ensure that strategy is executed successfully.
-Nothing sends a clearer, truer message to employees about you that your behavior.
-Employees don't follow leaders they do not trust. Money is not everything.
-Success can be a powerful motivator. Nothing makes people feel better than being part of a winning team.
-Improve morale by empowering employees and delegating authority and responsibility to them.
-Success must be rapidly followed by reward and failure must be first understood, then addressed.
-In the end it comes down to truly caring about people, trusting them to carry out the strategy, and providing both positive and negative incentives for behavior and result.
-A good leader isn't the one who reacts dramatically to a problem when it has gotten out of control. A good leader solves little problems before they become big ones.
-Realize that having courage means not only that you can take risks but also that you have the courage to do what is ethically right.
well summarized
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