15 Truths Every Teenager Should Know.

1. Nothing or no one is permanent. Time changes, so prioritise wisely and learn put yourself forward towards a better you. You can’t expect every “bestie” you had in elementary or middle school to hang on during your journey. And your friends are changing too. It’s not a rejection if friends move on. Enjoy every little step and keep walking.

2. Being consistent is hard. If it was easy, everyone would do it and become great. But I can assure you not everyone does. But consistency win the race.

3. If you don’t learn to be accountable, you will be held accountable. Every decision you make and every word you choose to speak has consequences. Some positive and some negative.

4. One day you will wake up to realise that you have become old. When you are a carefree 16-year-old, 25 seems old. And even though you are convinced that you have all the time in the world, you might be surprised how fast 20 creeps up on you, how 30 shows up at your door when you least expect it and how 40 hits you over the head like a baseball bat. Life moves fast. Aspire to keep up with it.

5. One day you will be separated from your parents, siblings, and friends to struggle in an unknown city towards establishing your identity and will ultimately end up creating your own small world there.

6. Borrowing yourself from others will only erode who you are meant to be. Stop asking for everyone’s opinion. Stop relying on other’s approval. Stop looking for reassurance. Stand on your own two feet and make those choices that matters on your own.

7. Love isn’t everything. It won’t feed you two times meals a day. I hope you will not prefer your future dates with your partner on a footpath begging. So, be wise and choose wisely!

8. Your parents will help pave way for you, but it is your job to figure out where the road leads.

9. Satisfaction and success don’t always come together. A dead artist in a living engineer will be successful but not satisfied.

10. Life may hit you hard but that will make you stronger. The sooner you get used to the ebb and flow of life with all its ups and downs, the happier you will become.

11. There’s nothing like right or wrong. It’s all about the situation. Something which is right in your perspective may be wrong in others and vice versa. You can’t be right all the time. So, stop arguing about everything and chill.

12. Holding yourself to unrealistic standards will only lead to suffering. Gauging your value or self-worth on the photoshopped haze of synthetic realism will only make you question yourself and prevent the world from seeing who you are.

13. “No one gives a damn”. People even complain about the quality of your funeral food.

14. It important you understand that not everyone is going to like you. You won’t always be included in the plan. You won’t always fit in, and you won’t always be liked. But that’s okay. Don’t waste your time wondering why or trying to convince people to appreciate you or see your value. Focus on being a good person and being the best you can become.

15. Myth says, “If it’s meant to happen, it will happen.”, But Truth says “If I want it to happen, I will make it happen.” Stop daydreaming, destiny won’t fulfil your burning desires, hard work will


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